Sensors & Software GPR instrumentation
These links will take you to information about the following instruments (includes picture, description, specifications, sample packing lists, weights & dimensions, rental rates, and user manuals):
Sensors & Software Noggin
Sensors & Software pulseEKKO and Concrete Scanner
Home Page
Warning: the instrument specifications below are provided as a courtesy. Actual values may vary and need to be confirmed via the manufacturer.
Sensors & Software GPR Noggin

The Sensors & Software Noggin is a user-friendly ground penetrating radar or GPR system that possesses the ability to use four different antenna frequencies: 100 MHZ Ultra, 250 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1000 MHz. In the simplest terms, ground penetrating radar works by sending a pulse through the ground. This pulse scatters and reflects back depending on subsurface conditions. The amount of time it takes for the signal to travel to and from a response allows the Noggin GPR to approximate depths using an assumed average velocity.
Different Sensors & Software GPR Configurations and Antennas:
Most Noggin GPR units use a fold-able SmartCart that allows the user to easily ship, assemble, and navigate in the field. The SmartCart system consists of the cart structure, a Noggin antenna, an odometer wheel, a digital video logger (DVL), and a battery. In tight spots, a SmartHandle or SmartTow can be employed, which consists of just a handle and odometer wheel.
Different GPR frequency antennas in conjunction with the Smartcart (or SmartHandle/SmartTow) serve different purposes. A rule of thumb is that lower frequency antennas can penetrate deeper but lack the detail of higher frequency antennas. In general, a Noggin 250 MHz antenna and Noggin 500 MHz antenna are used in applications such as utility mapping, forensics, and archaeology. The Noggin 250 MHz antenna will penetrate deeper but not get the amount of detail as the Noggin 500 MHz antenna. The Noggin 1000 MHz antenna is commonly used for concrete scanning in the SmartHandle configuration (see pulseEKKO for the 1000 MHz TR1000 concrete scanner). The Noggin 100 MHz Ultra antenna is commonly used for geologic mapping, geotechnical applications and deep subsurface utility mapping. It can stack as many as 65,536 stacks allowing GPR professionals to see responses up to a hundred times smaller increasing the depth of investigation as much as twice the depth of other 100 MHz antennas.
In addition, the Geophysical Rental Company owns a Noggin 250 UtilityCart, which is similar to the Noggin 250 Smartcart except it does not offer interchangeable antennas.
Sensors & Software suggests which GPR antenna should I use.
The best method to choose an antenna size is to think about the smallest object the user would like to see at a given depth. In perfect conditions such as sandy soils that are less conductive, the depth to size ratio is 24 to 1. In other words, a user could identify a 1 inch object 24 inches deep. In less ideal conditions, the pulse will become scattered and not penetrate as deep and anomalies will need to be larger to identify. Below is a table from the manufacturer that states the maximum depth of various GPR frequencies.

Ultimately, job conditions often make these depths near impossible.
Typical packing list of items received when renting a Noggin GPR SmartCart:
1 x SmartCart with Noggin 100 Ultra, 250, 500, or 1000 MHz antenna
1 x Digital Video Logger With Pelican Case
2 x SmartCart Power Supply in Pelican Case
2 x SmartCart Power Supply Charger
1 x Set of 2 Adapters for Hanging 250, 500, or 1000 MHz Noggin Antenna
4 x SmartCart Swivel Mounting Post and Pin Sets
1 x Enhanced DVL Keeper Mounted on Handle
1 x SmartCart Odometer and Cable Mounted on Left Rear Wheel
1 x Compact Flash Card Reader
1 x Dongle with Software and Manuals (if requested)
1 x GPS Mount (if requested)
1 x Cardboard Box (46’’x24’’x19’’, 120lbs)
*All dimensions are approximate and will vary depending on configuration and how each instrument is packed. Some shipping containers may be slightly larger/heavier than others containing the same instrument.
Lower frequency antennas tend to weigh more than higher frequency antennas in the same configuration. If interested in the dimensions for SmartTow or SmartHandle, please inquire at
Suggested Items:
Hemisphere GPS
Items you may need to provide:
Sensors & Software Software provided:
All GPR rentals include EKKO Project GPR Software during the duration of the rental plus a 7 day grace period for post-processing after return of GPR instrumentation. Therefore, any days that the software is kept after the 7 day grace period will be billed at the daily rate or monthly rate if 30 days is met.
Rental Rates:
The Sensors and Software Noggin 100 MHZ Ultra antenna with a SmartCart (or any other configuration) rents for $380 per day or $6,900 per month with a $265 prep fee.
The Sensors and Software Noggin 250, 500, or 1000 MHZ antenna with a SmartCart (or any other configuration) rents for $165 per day or $3,960 per month with a $175 prep fee.
Additional Sensors and Software Noggin antennas (250, 500, or 1000 MHZ) or antenna rental without a SmartCart/Tow/Handle rent for $55 per day or $1,320 per month with a $65 prep fee.
The Sensors and Software UtilityCart 250 rents for $165 per day or $3,960 per month with a $175 prep fee.
Sensors & Software EKKO Project GPR Software rents for $960 per month or $40 per day with a $80 prep fee.
*** As a courtesy, we do not charge rent if the equipment is shipped on a Friday and in-transit with FedEx or UPS over Saturday, Sunday, and/or an approved holiday (only valid for rentals less than a month). In its sole and absolute discretion, Geophysical Equipment Rental LLC and/or K. D. Jones Instrument Corp reserve the right not to extend this courtesy.
Get an estimate to rent the Noggin SmartCart.
User Manual:
Sensors & Software pulseEKKO GPR with Ultra receiver and TR1000 concrete scanner

The Sensors & Software pulseEKKO system is a high performance adaptable GPR system meant for professionals. Like all ground penetrating radar systems, it sends a pulse through the ground and measures the strength and time of the returning pulse to indicate anomalies and property changes below at depth. The pulseEKKO possesses the ability to use antennas from 12.5 MHz to 1000 MHz allowing for the user to optimize a survey for depth and target size. Unlike the Noggin GPR system, the pulseEKKO antennas are bistatic, which means the antennas can be offset and/or orientated for advanced surveys such as multi-offset, transillumination, and multi-polarization.
Different Sensors & Software Configurations and Antennas:
The pulseEKKO GPR system can be used with or without a SmartCart, when applicable. Most survey techniques make use of the Smartcart, but sometimes the pulseEKKO is used without a SmartCart and measurements are either automated at fixed time intervals or manually triggered. The 1000 MHz antenna is unique in regards to the pulseEKKO as it is the only antenna that is housed in a self-contained, hand-held housing with an odometer wheel. The TR1000 is a good choice for scanning concrete.

Sensors & Software’s newest improvement to the pulseEKKO line is their Ultra Receiver. The Ultra Receiver possesses the ability to stack up to 65,536 traces at rates typically seen with the standard receiver configured for 32 or 64 stacks. Essentially, this reduces the noise to signal ratio, often yielding depths that are twice as deep as a Noggin or Pro system. In addition, the Ultra Receiver comes with the new DVL 500, which allows some post-processing in the field.
Sensors & Software suggests which GPR antenna should I use.
GPR operators need to choose an antenna based on their target size and site conditions. Below is a graph provided by the manufacturer that lists common antenna frequencies used for different applications:

Typical packing list of items received when renting a pulseEKKO GPR SmartCart with 50, 100, or 200 MHz antenna:
1 x PE Pro Model Digital Video Logger
1 x Optical Coupler
2 x Short Fiber Optic Cables (RX to DVL)
2 x Short Fiber Optic Cables (Rx to Tx)
2 x 20m Fiber Optic (Rx to Tx) (if requested)
1 x Set of Quick Guides
1 x PE Pro SmartCart with Odometer Mounted on Left Rear Wheel
4 x Wheels, 2 x DVL Carrier Mounted on Handle
1 x 50/100 MHz Conversion Kit with hangers
1 x Set of 50 MHZ antennas
1 x Set of 100 MHZ antennas
1 x 200 MHz Conversion Kit with hangers
1 x Set of 200 MHZ antennas
2 x Batteries in Pelican Cases
2 x Battery Chargers
1 x GPS Staff (if requested)
1 x Yellow Power Supply Cable
1 x Transmitter, 1 x Adaptor Block
4 x Chargers and Cord for Transmitter and Receiver Batteries
8 x TX/RX Batteries
1 x Cart Parts Kit (1 large hitch Pin, 4 small hitch pins, 4 thumb screws, 4 male connector pins, 4 female connector pins)
1 x Billable Spares Kit (1 large hitch Pin, 4 small hitch pins, 4 thumb screws, 4 male connector pins, 4 female connector pins)
1 x Software Dongle (if requested)
1 x Compact Flash Card Reader
1 x Allen Wrench Set, 1 x Flathead Screw Driver
1 x Ultra Receiver, 1 x Adaptor Block
*1 x Cardboard Shipping Box (59’’x21’’x13’’, 100lbs)
*1 x Pelican Case (20’’x16’’x8’’, 15lbs)
*1 x Pelican Case (24’’x20’’x 10’’, 30lbs)
*1 x Pelican Case (24’’x20’’x10’’, 40lbs)
*1 x Black Pelican Shipping Tube for 50 MHz Antennas (81’’x9’’x7’’, 20lbs)
*All dimensions are approximate. The pulseEKKO packing list, dimensions, and weights can vary greatly depending on configuration and antenna selection. Some shipping containers may be slightly larger/heavier than others containing the same instrument.
Typical packing list of items received when renting a pulseEKKO GPR concrete scanner with 1000 MHz antenna:
1 x pulseEKKO Pro TR1000 Antenna
1 x DVL with PulseEKKO Control Module
1 x pulseEKKO Pro Control Module Cable
1 x DVL to Antenna Cable
1 x Power Supply Cable
2 x Battery Belts
1 x Battery Charger
1 x Flash Card Reader
1 x Handle
*2 x Shipping Containers (28’’x22’’x16’’, 47lbs and 76’’x8’’x8’’, 10lbs)
*All dimensions are approximate and will vary depending on configuration and how each instrument is packed. Some shipping containers may be slightly larger/heavier than others containing the same instrument.
Lower frequency antennas tend to weigh more than higher frequency antennas in the same configuration.
Suggested Items:
Hemisphere GPS
Items you may need to provide:
Sensors & Software Software provided:
All GPR rentals include EKKO Project GPR Software during the duration of the rental plus a 7 day grace period for post-processing after return of GPR instrumentation. Therefore, any days that the software is kept after the 7 day grace period will be billed at the daily rate or monthly rate if 30 days is met.
Rental Rates:
The Sensors & Software pulseEKKO Pro SmartCart with DVL and one antenna (50, 100 or 200 MHz) rents for $300 per day or $5,450 per month with a $265 prep fee.
The Sensors & Software pulseEKKO Pro, Ultra Receiver, SmartCart with DVL, and one antenna(50, 100 or 200 MHz) rents for $380 per day or $6,900 per month with a $265 prep fee.
Additional Sensors & Software pulseEKKO Pro antennas (50, 100, or 200 MHz) rent for $40 per day or $960 per month with a $25 prep fee.
The Sensors & Software pulseEKKO Pro with DVL and TR1000 MHz antenna rents for $200 per day or $4,800 per month with a $285 prep fee.
Sensors & Software EKKO Project GPR Software rents for $960 per month or $40 per day with a $80 prep fee.
*** As a courtesy, we do not charge rent if the equipment is shipped on a Friday and in-transit with FedEx or UPS over Saturday, Sunday, and/or an approved holiday (only valid for rentals less than a month). In its sole and absolute discretion, Geophysical Equipment Rental LLC and/or K. D. Jones Instrument Corp reserve the right not to extend this courtesy.
Get an estimate to rent the pulseEKKO pro.
User Manual:
Visit FedEx or UPS for shipping costs.
The SPX LMX GPR made by Sensors & Software, Inc is a simplified ground penetrating radar or GPR system with a dedicated antenna frequency and predefined settings favored by many for ease of use. Depending on the model, the SPX LMX GPR system can use a 250 or 500 MHz antenna. Like all GPR units, the ground penetrating unit sends a pulse through the ground that reflects off anomalies back to the instrument and the time it takes for the signal to be sent and return to the unit determines the depth.

Different SPX LMX GPR Configurations and Antennas:
All SPX LMX GPR units use a compact SmartCart with a detachable handle for easy transport and assembly. With the LMX SmartCart, users can effortlessly ship, assemble, and navigate in the field. The SmartCart system consists of five key components: a cart structure, Noggin antenna, odometer wheel, digital video logger, and battery. Unlike the Noggin or pulseEKKO GPR systems, the SPX LMX only comes in the SmartCart configuration.
The SPX LMX GPR series has three different models: LMX100, LMX200, and LMX150. THE LMX100 possesses a dedicated 250 MHz antenna with simplified menus perfect for collecting lines and performing “Mark and Locate” surveys. It cannot switch antenna frequencies nor collect grids. The LMX200 also possesses a 250 MHz antenna but can collect lines and grids for further post-processing. It cannot switch antenna frequencies. Like the LMX200, LMX150 can collect lines and grids for post processing but possesses a dedicated 500 MHz antenna for more detailed but shallower surveys. Like all LMX units, it cannot switch antenna frequencies.
SPX suggests which GPR antenna should I use.
Utility mapping, forensics, and archaeology commonly use 250 MHz and 500 MHz antennas. The 250 MHz antenna will penetrate deeper (maximum of 12ft in ideal conditions such as soils with low conductivity) but not get the amount of detail as the 500 MHz antenna (maximum of 6ft in ideal conditions.)
Picking the proper antenna frequency is a function of deciding what the smallest anomaly that the user wants to find at a given depth. The general rule is a depth to size ratio of 24 to 1 in ideal conditions. Therefore, a 1 inch anomaly could be identified in up to 24 inches of soil by GPR. However, it is important to consider that conditions are rarely ideal and therefore the anomaly must be shallower or larger
Typical packing list of items received when renting a SPX LMX GPR SmartCart:
1 x LMX200 Antenna
1 x Digital Video Logger
1 x SmartCart Power Supply in Pelican Case
1 x SmartCart Power Supply Charger
1 x LMX SmartCart with Odometer
1 x SmartCart Handle with 2 Handle Pin and DVL Mount
1 x DVL to Antenna Cable
1 x Battery to Antenna Cable
1 x LMX200 Operation Manual
1 x LMX200 Quick Start Guide
1 x Spare Parts Kit
1 x GPS Mount (if requested)
1 x Heavy Duty Shipping Box (33x29x21, 100lbs)
*All dimensions are approximate and will vary depending on configuration and how each instrument is packed. Some shipping containers may be slightly larger/heavier than others containing the same instrument.
Suggested Items:
Hemisphere GPS
Items you may need to provide:
Sensors & Software Software provided:
All GPR rentals include EKKO Project GPR Software during the duration of the rental plus a 7 day grace period for post-processing after return of GPR instrumentation. Therefore, any days that the software is kept after the 7 day grace period will be billed at the daily rate or monthly rate if 30 days is met.
Rental Rates:
SPX LMX200 SmartCart with 250 or 500 MHz Antenna rents for $3,960 per month or $165 per day with a $175 prep fee.
Sensors & Software EKKO Project GPR Software rents for $960 per month or $40 per day with a $80 prep fee.
*** As a courtesy, we do not charge rent if the equipment is shipped on a Friday and in-transit with FedEx or UPS over Saturday, Sunday, and/or an approved holiday (only valid for rentals less than a month). In its sole and absolute discretion, Geophysical Equipment Rental LLC and/or K. D. Jones Instrument Corp reserve the right not to extend this courtesy.
Get an estimate to rent the SPM LMX