Seismographs, Geophones, Land Streamers, and Seismic Equipment
These links will take you to information about the following instruments (includes picture, description, specifications, sample packing lists, weights & dimensions, rental rates, and user manuals):
Geometrics Geode Seismographs, Seismic Spread Cables/Geophones, and Land Streamers
Borehole Seismic Equipment
Home Page
Warning: the instrument specifications below are provided as a courtesy. Actual values may vary and need to be confirmed via the manufacturer.
Geometrics Geode Seismographs

The Geometrics Geode are 24 channel seismographs suited for engineering and academic professionals. In common seismic methods, a seismic wave is generated from a source such as a sledgehammer or an accelerated weight drop. The propagated seismic wave is captured by measuring a geophone’s response. Frequently, geophones are planted in the ground at fixed intervals or towed with a land streamer. The seismographs record the response picked up by an array of geophones. Later, the professional analyzes and interprets the seismic record to produce various models of unit p-wave, shear wave, and phase velocities (depending on the method). These seismographs are appropriate for seismic refraction, reflection, multi-channel analysis of surface waves or MASW, and borehole applications. The analysis assists with characterizing types of geologic units, soil to bedrock depth, seismic site characterizations, and anomaly detection.

Geometrics Geode seismographs are often rented with spread cables at fixed intervals such as 10 or 20 ft. Obviously, these spacings can be taken in if needed. Spiked geophones are connected to the spread cables via mueller clips or kooter connections. In some cases, a land streamer, which is a towable 24 channel geophone array that runs on skid plates, is rented. We offer a standard 5ft spacing, 4.5 hZ geophone land streamer as well as an adjustable land streamer with 1-20 ft spacings.

Geode Seismographs Specifications:
Configurations: 24 channels in weatherproof field deployable Geode module. Geode seismographs are interfaced with a Windows based laptop (1). Single Geode seismographss are operated using SGOS software, which contains basic seismograph functions used for engineering surveys. Multiple Geode seismographs can be connected together to build systems with many channels and many lines using MGOS (2) software.
A/D Conversion: 24 bit result using Crystal Semiconductor sigma-delta converters and Geometrics proprietary over sampling.
Dynamic Range: 144 dB (system), 110 dB (instantaneous, measured) at 2 ms, 24 dB.
Distortion: 0.0005% @ 2 ms, 1.75 to 208 Hz.
Bandwidth: 1.75 Hz to 20 kHz. Low corner frequency option available.
Common Mode Rejection: > 100dB at <= 100 Hz, 36 dB.
Crosstalk: -125 dB at 23.5 Hz, 24 dB, 2 ms.
Noise Floor: 0.20 uV, RFI at 2 ms, 36 dB, 1.75 to 208 Hz.
Stacking Trigger Accuracy: 1/32 of sample interval.
Maximum Input Signal: 2.8V PP at 0dB
Input Impedance: 20 kOhm, 0.02 uf.
Preamplifier Gains: Software selectable between 24 and 36 dB. Can be jumpered to allow selection of 12 or 24 dB or jumpered to 0 dB.
Anti-alias Filters: -3 dB at 83% of Nyquist frequency, down 90 dB.
Acquisition and Display Filters:
Low Cut: OUT, 10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 70, 100, 140, 200, 280, 400 Hz, 24 or 48 dB/octave, Butterworth.
Notch: 50, 60, 150, 180 Hz and OUT, with the 50 dB rejection bandwidth 2% of center frequency.
High Cut: OUT, 250, 500 or 1000 Hz, 24 or 48 dB/ octave.
Sample Interval: 0.02, 0.03125, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0 ms.
Correlation: Optional high-speed hardware correlator available in Geode seismographs for fast cycle time with vibrators and pseudo-random (MiniSosie) sources.
Maximum Record Length: 16,384 samples per channel standard, 65,536 samples per channel optional.
Pre-trigger Data: Up to 4,096 Samples.
Delay: 0 to 9999 ms in 1 sample interval steps.
Data Transmission: Uses reliable Ethernet connections and requires no custom transmission software. Interfaces directly with network capabilities of Windows 98/NT/2K/XP/7/8/10.
Auxiliary Channels: All Geode channels can be programmed as either AUX or DATA. Fixed data and aux channels available in StrataVisor NZ.
Roll Along: Built-in, no external roll box required.
Line Testing: Real time noise monitor displays real-time output from geophones. Optional geophones pulse test helps identify bad geophones and shorted or broken cables.
Instrument Tests: Optional built-in daily, weekly and monthly testing available2. External laboratory quality test system available to measure noise, crosstalk, dynamic range, gain similarity and trigger accuracy to factory specification.
Data Formats: SEG-2 standard with SGOS. SEG-D and SEG-Y available2.
System Software:
Single Geode Operating Software (SGOS): Includes full compliment of acquisition, display, plotting, filtering and storage features.
Multiple Geode Operating Software (MGOS): Allows single laptop to control multiple Geode seismographs and adds additional preamp gains, correlation, expanded record length, tape writing, geophone pulse test, expanded test and diagnostics and roll along capability.
StrataVisor NZ Software: Functionally similar to MGOS above but operates on ruggedized NZ field system.
Data Storage: Stores data locally on laptop hard drive for transfer to portable media.
Plotters: Drives a variety of NT compatible printers including Printrex 4, 8 and 12 inch plotters. Consult factory.
Triggering: Positive, negative or contact closure, software adjustable threshold.
Power: Requires 12V external battery. Uses 0.65W/channel during acquisition, sleep mode reduces power consumption by 70% while in standby.
Environmental: Geode seismographs :-30 to 70degrees C. Waterproof and submersible. Withstands a 1 m drop onto concrete on 6 sides and 8 corners. NZ: Starts from +5oC to 40oC. Operates from –5oC to 45oC.
Physical: Geode seismographs : 12.2″L x 9 3/4″W x 7″D (31cmL x 24.75cmW x 17.75cm), weighs 3.5 kg.
NZ field PC with no channels: 10.5“L x 18″W x 21“D (26.7cmL x 45.7 cmW x 53.34 cmD), weighs 30 lb (13.5 kg)
Seismic recorder with 3-64 internal channels: 10.5“L x 18″W x 13 “D (26.7cm L x 45.7 cmW x 33 cmD), weighs 20 lb (9 kg)
Operating System: Windows 98/NT/XP/2000.
Data Processing and Interpretation: Includes refraction software with first break picking, layer assignment, depth below each geophone using delay time, refraction tomography and reflection processing software. Consult factory for individual data sheets.
1- Laptop computers are NOT field devices. They are easily damaged by harsh treatment or exposure to extreme environments. They have a short battery life.
2 – Available with MGOS software only.

Typical packing list of items received when renting Geometrics Geode Seismographs:
1 x Geode Seismograph
1 x Power Cable
1 x External Ethernet Cable Assembly 25 m
1 x Network Interface Box
1 x As needed an adapter Cable 2 by 12 to 24 for 12-Trace Spread Cables
1 x USB Flash Drive with Manuals and Software
2 x Hammer Switch
1 x Trigger Line 300 ft on Plastic Reel (longer if needed)
1 x Striker Plate
*1 x Shipping Totes (28”x22”x18”, 50lbs)
2 x Spread Cables 12 trace cable or 1 x twenty-four takeout cable
26 x Geophones (4.5 or 14 Hz vertical or 8.5 Hz horizontal)
*1 x Shipping Totes (28”x22”x18”, 60lbs)
1 x Land Streamer (24 channel, 4.5 Hz geophones)
*1 x Shipping Tote (28”x22”x18”, 115lbs)
*All dimensions are approximate and will vary depending on configuration and how each instrument is packed. Some shipping containers may be slightly larger/heavier than others containing the same instrument.
Suggested Items:
ATV or vehicle if using land streamer.
Items you may need to provide:
12V deep cycle marine battery.
Computer to run Geode seismographs controller software.
Inverter to power computer for extended periods.
8 to 20lb sledge hammer.
Software provided:
Geode seismographs order include a USB flash drive with Geometrics’s Seismodule Controller Software that allows the user to setup the survey parameters and record seismic information. This software can also be downloaded at the manufacturer’s website.
Rental Rates:
The Geometrics Geode seismographs rent for $110 per day or $2,640 per month with a $110 prep fee.
The Geostuff land streamer (fixed 5 ft spacing, twenty four 4.5 Hz geophones) rents for $80 per day or $1,920 per month with a $120 prep fee if also renting a Geode.
The Geostuff land streamer (fixed 5 ft spacing, twenty four 4.5 Hz geophones) rents for $120 per day or $2,880 per month with a $180 prep fee if not renting a Geode.
The adjustable land streamer (adjustable to 1-20 ft spacing, twenty four 4.5 Hz geophones) rents for $80 per day or $1,920 per month with a $120 prep fee if renting with a Geode. Please allow 24 hours to adjust to custom spacings. The customer is responsible for confirming the spacing and for adjusting as needed.
The adjustable land streamer (adjustable to 1-20 ft spacing, twenty four 4.5 Hz geophones) rents for $120 per day or $2,880 per month with a $180 prep fee if renting without a Geode. Please allow 24 hours to adjust to custom spacings. The customer is responsible for confirming the spacing and for adjusting as needed.
The 8 Hz horizontal or 14 Hz vertical geophones (24 quantity) rents for $20 per day or $480 a month with a $80 prep fee.
The 4.5 Hz vertical geophones (24 quantity) rents for $30 per day or $720 a month with a $80 prep fee.
One pair of seismic cables with mueller clips (24 takeouts with 10 or 20 ft takeouts) rents for $20 per day or $480 per month with a $80 prep fee.
One seismic cables with kooter connections (24 takeouts with 10 or 20 ft takeouts) rents for $20 per day or $480 per month with a $80 prep fee.
*** As a courtesy, we do not charge rent if the equipment is shipped on a Friday and in-transit with FedEx or UPS over Saturday, Sunday, and/or an approved holiday (only valid for rentals less than a month). In its sole and absolute discretion, Geophysical Equipment Rental LLC and/or K. D. Jones Instrument Corp reserve the right not to extend this courtesy.
Get an estimate to rent Geometrics Geode Seismographs.
User Manual:
Geostuff Borehole Geophone and Ballard Seismic Source

Geostuff Borehole Geophone Description:
The Geostuff borehole geophone is a three component geophone with a motorized clamp mechanism that connects to Geode seismographs. The cable includes a waterproof connector on the wet end, high-strength copper welded conductors, and a Kevlar braid for additional strength beneath the polyurethane jacket.
The borehole geophone is frequently used to measure p-wave and shear wave velocities at depth. While some conduct surface to borehole surveys others rely on cross hole or borehole to borehole methods in conjunction with Geode seismographs. Shear wave velocities are important because they assist engineers with determining the subsurface’s shear strength for building and commercial construction.
Ballard Seismic Source Description:
The Ballard borehole seismic source is a tool meant to provide a simple, repeatable, borehole shear wave source for crosshole tests. The Ballard source anchors to the sidewall of borehole through an inflatable tube. A single three-in-one, ½ inch diameter cable houses the controls for the reversible spring-driven loaded hammer, which activates the trigger of the hammer switch/seismic source that connects to Geode seismographs.
Borehole Geophone Specifications:
Number of geophones: 1 vertical and 2 horizontal in an X-Y-Z configuration
Natural Frequency: 15-Hz high-output omnidirectional is standard; 10, 28 and 40 Hz optional
Pressure rating: 300 meters (1000 ft) water depth, consult factory for deeper options
Clamp mechanism: DC motor. Requires 24 volts DC at the surface (or more, depending on cable length). Requires ½ amp when moving spring (1 amp peak at clamping)
Expanded diameter: 18 cm (7 in) total diameter including probe body.
BHG-2 Borehole Geophone
Diameter: 48 mm (1.9 in)
Length: 700 mm (27.5 in)
Weight: 2 kg (4 lb)
Cable: 7-conductor with two copper and five copper weld conductors, Kev-lar-reinforced, polyurethane-jacket cable, with Reed Products SU-8 female connector molded on wet end.
Ballard Source Specifications:
Basic Tool Length: 24 in.
Body Diameter” 2.75 in.
Body Length: 15 in.
Cable: 0.5 in. dia. (length to suit)
Approximate Weight:
Basic Tool: 2.75 in. diameter, 12 lbs.
Cable: 0.25lbs per foot
Center Frequency: Approximately 400 Hz
Trigger: Miniature, 5,000g shock-rated geophone 120 db dynamic range. Waterproof (fully encapsulated in stainless steel housing). Bolted to upper anvil.
Sidewall Anchor System: Inflatable double-walled bladder, field replaceable. Normal locking pressure, in an air-filled borehole-30 psi. Manual air pump & gauge.
Typical packing list of items received when renting a Borehole Geophone:
1 x Triaxial Geophone
1 x Geostuff Control Box
2 x 50 Meter Cable or 1 x 100 Meter Cable
1 x 24 volt power supply with banana adaptor
1 x 24 volt charger
1 x Seismograph to Control Box cable
1 x Sheave Assembly
1 x Repair Kit
*1 x Shipping Cases (28”x22”x18”, 70lbs)
Typical packing list of items received when renting a Ballard Source:
1 x Ballard Source (125 or 250ft)
1 x Air Pump
1 x Repair Kits and Manuals in Mesh Bag
1 x Mallet, 1 x Nut Driver, 1 x Needle nose Vice Grip
*1 x Pelican Case (125: 31”x20”x16”, 65lbs or 250:TBD)
*All dimensions are approximate and will vary depending on configuration and how each instrument is packed. Some shipping containers may be slightly larger/heavier than others containing the same instrument.
Suggested Items:
Items you may need to provide:
12V deep cycle marine battery for a seismograph (e.g. Geode).
8 to 20lb sledge hammer.
Wooden beam and other accessories as needed to produce a proper seismic source for the application.
Software provided:
Rental Rates:
The Geostuff Borehole Geophone rents for $45 per day or $1,080 per month with a $115 prep fee.
The Ballard Borehole Seismic Source rents for $72 per day or $1,578 per month with a $100 prep fee.
*** As a courtesy, we do not charge rent if the equipment is shipped on a Friday and in-transit with FedEx or UPS over Saturday, Sunday, and/or an approved holiday (only valid for rentals less than a month). In its sole and absolute discretion, Geophysical Equipment Rental LLC and/or K. D. Jones Instrument Corp reserve the right not to extend this courtesy.
Get an estimate to rent the Borehole Geophone or Ballard Source