Geonics Instruments equipment
These links will take you to information about the following instruments (includes picture, description, specifications, sample packing lists, weights & dimensions, rental rates, and user manuals):
EM61-MK2, EM61-MK2A, EM61-HH, and EM61-MKHP
EM31-MK2 and EM31-SH
Home Page
Warning: the instrument specifications below are provided as a courtesy. Actual values may vary and need to be confirmed via the manufacturer.
Geonics EM61

The Geonics EM61 is a highly sensitive, four channel time-domain metal detector that comes in a number of configurations. It possesses the ability to detect ferrous and non-ferrous metallic objects. The EM61’s transmitter generates a primary magnetic field that induces eddy currents in nearby metallic objects. As these currents decay, two of the EM61 receivers measure and record real time in conjunction with a data logger. The EM61 design lends its self to being somewhat insensitive to cultural interference and electrically conductive ground. EM61’s are often used to detect metal objects such as underground storage tanks, drums, and unexploded ordnances. For example, the EM61-MK2/A can detect a single 55 gallon drum at a depth of over 9 feet. Its most popular application is locating unexploded ordnances at places such as military bases and bombing ranges.
Different Configurations:
The Geonics EM61 can be configured in a number of different ways. The EM61-MK2 is the original configuration and requires the user to wear a backpack that carries the instrument’s electronics and battery. The EM61-MK2A is identical to the original EM61 except the electronics is mounted to the handle and the battery is mounted inside the lower coil, therefore eliminating the need to wear a backpack. Both can come with fiberglass or encapsulated coils.
The Geonics EM61 High Power can be configured either in the original “MK2” or “MK2A” style but has a much more powerful electronics and battery that allow the user to receive up to eight times more target response than the other units, resulting in a much larger signal to noise ratio. All three of these EM61’s can use either a top and lower (bottom) coil or just a bottom coil with shorting plug. In addition, they can be configured as a towed array in which 2 or more instruments are tethered together to survey more land with each pass or transect.
The EM61 Hand Held uses the same electronics as the EM61-MK2 and EM61-MK2A but uses a smaller coil that provides greater sensitivity to smaller targets at shallower depths. In addition, the narrower spatial focus lends itself to enhanced target resolution, less cultural interference, and better maneuverability.
Geonics EM61-MK2/A Specifications:
MEASURED QUANTITIES: Four time gates of secondary response in mV
EM SOURCE: Air-cored coil, 1 x 0.5 m size
CURRENT WAVEFORM: Unipolar rectangular current with 25% duty cycle
1. Main: Air-cored coil, 1 x 0.5 m in size, coincident with EM source
2. Focusing: Air-cored coil, 1 x 0.5 m in size, 30 cm above main coil
DATA OUTPUT: RS232 – serial port
POWER SOURCE: 12 V rechargeable battery for 4 h continuous operation
41 kg trailer mode;
100 x 50 x 5 cm (bottom),
100 x 50 x 2 cm (top)
90 kg with trailer-mode components
106 x 61 x 33 cm (box 1)
54 x 45 x 56 cm (box 2)
Geonics EM61 Hand Held Specifications:
MEASURED QUANTITIES: Four time gates of secondary response in mV
EM SOURCE: Air-cored coil, 17 cm diameter
CURRENT WAVEFORM: Unipolar rectangular current with 25% duty cycle
EM SENSOR: Air-cored coil, 17 cm diameter
DATA OUTPUT: RS232 serial port, Bluetooth
POWER SUPPLY: 12 V rechargeable battery for 4 h continuous operation
Sensor Assembly: 2.8 kg (7.5 kg with wheels) 33 x 20 cm
17.5 kg (36 kg with wheels)
142 x25 x 25 cm (sensor)
55 x 50 x 55 cm (wheels)
Geonics EM61 High Power Specifications:
MEASURED QUANTITIES: Four channels of secondary response in mV
EM SOURCE: Air-cored coil, 1 x 0.5 m size
CURRENT WAVEFORM: Bipolar rectangular current with 25% duty cycle
Bottom coil: Air-cored coil, 1 x 0.5 m in size, coincident with EM source.
Top coil: Air-cored coil, 1 x 0.5 m in size 28 cm above main coil
POWER SUPPLY: Two 12 V/16 Ah rechargeable batteries or 12 V/10 Ah rechargeable battery (for low power operation only)2 h continuous operation in full power mode
7 h continuous operation in low power mode
2 h continuous operation in low power mode (small battery)
Backpack: 21 kg; 60 x 30 x 20 cm
Coil Assembly: 14 kg (23 kg trailer mode)
Bottom: 100 x 50 x 5 cm
Top: 100 x 50 x 2 cm
92 kg (103 kg with trailer)
108 x 60 x 25 cm (Box 1; harness mode only)
54 x 54 x 52 cm (Box 2; with trailer option)
Typical packing list of items received when renting an EM61-MK2/A:
1 x Electronics Assembly (Backpack or A configuration)
1 x Upper Coil Assembly (if requested)
1 x Lower Coil Assembly
4 x Coil spacers (if upper coil is requested)
1 x Cable (connect upper and lower coil) or 1 Shorting Plug (if lower coil only or requested)
2 x Cable (lower coil to electronics assembly)
2 x Cable (electronics assembly to data logger)
1 x Handle
1 x Trailer Kit (two wheels)
2 x Battery Packs for EM61
2 x Battery Charger for EM61
1 x Data Logger
1 x Battery Charger for Data Logger 1 x Compact Flash Card Reader
1 x USB Flash Drive with Manuals and Software
1 x GPS Mount (if requested)
*2 x Shipping Cases
EM61 MK2 Coil Box (43’’x26’’x10’’, 100lbs) or EM61-MK2A Coil Box (43’’x26’’x14’’, 125lbs)
Wheel Box (23’’x20’’x21’’, 80lbs)
*All dimensions are approximate and will vary depending on configuration and how each instrument is packed. Some shipping containers may be slightly larger/heavier than others containing the same instrument.
Typical packing list of items received when renting an EM61 Hand Held:
1 x Console with Backpack
1 x Data Logger
1 x Battery Charger for Data Logger
1 x Compact Flash Card Reader
1 x Hand Held Coil
1 x Set of 2 Wheels with Coil Attachment
2 x Console Battery Pack
2 x Console Battery Charger
2 x Cable (electronics to coil)
2 x Cable (electronics assembly to data logger)
1 x USB Flash Drive with Manual and Software
*2 x Shipping Case
EM61 MK2 Coil (55’’x8’’x10’’, 35lbs)
Wheel Box (24’’x20’’x24’’, 80lbs)
*All dimensions are approximate and will vary depending on configuration and how each instrument is packed. Some shipping containers may be slightly larger/heavier than others containing the same instrument.
Typical packing list of items received when renting an EM61 High Power:
1 x Electronics Assembly (Backpack or A configuration)
1 x Upper Coil Assembly (if requested)
1 x Lower Coil Assembly
4 x Coil spacers (if upper coil is requested)
1 x Cable (connect upper and lower coil) or 1 Shorting Plug (if lower coil only or requested)
2 x Cable (lower coil to electronics assembly)
2 x Cable (electronics assembly to data logger)
1 x Handle
1 x Trailer Kit (two wheels)
2 x High Power Battery Packs for EM61
2 x High Power Battery Chargers for EM61
1 x Data Logger
1 x Battery Charger for Data Logger
1 x Compact Flash Card Reader
1 x USB Flash Drive with Manuals and Software
1 x GPS Mount (if requested)
*2 x Shipping Cases
EM61 MK2 Coil Box (43’’x26’’x10’’, 120lbs)
Wheel Box (23’’x20’’x21’’, 100lbs)
*All dimensions are approximate and will vary depending on configuration and how each instrument is packed. Some shipping containers may be slightly larger/heavier than others containing the same instrument.
Suggested Items:
Hemisphere GPS
Items you may need to provide:
Software provided:
Each Geonics EM61 possesses a data logger with the EM61 data logging program (some systems offer Geomar’s NAV61 software). DAT61 (Trackmaker61 when requested) is provided for post-processing on the USB flash drive included on the packing list (please return USB flash drive.)
Rental Rates:
The Geonics EM61-MK2 or EM61-MK2A with a digital data logger and software rents for $140 per day or $3,360 per month with a $130 prep fee.
The Geonics EM61 Hand Held with a digital data logger and software rents for $105 per day or $2,520 per month with a $130 prep fee.
The Geonics High Power with a digital data logger and software rents for $140 per day or $3,360 per month with a $190 prep fee.
*** As a courtesy, we do not charge rent if the equipment is shipped on a Friday and in-transit with FedEx or UPS over Saturday, Sunday, and/or an approved holiday (only valid for rentals less than a month). In its sole and absolute discretion, Geophysical Equipment Rental LLC and/or K. D. Jones Instrument Corp reserve the right not to extend this courtesy.
Get an estimate to rent the EM61 with data logger.
User Manuals:
Geonics EM31-MK2 and EM31-SH

The Geonics EM31-MK2 provides a non-invasive method for measuring soil conductivity and magnetic susceptibility to depths of about 15 to 20 feet (about 10 feet for the EM31-SH). When searching exclusively for metal, such as underground storage tanks, these EM31 depths are often about half the depth of investigation estimated for soil conductivites. The EM31’s design is based on the theory of inductive electromagnetics. In layman’s terms, the EM31’s transmitter produces voltage that produces a primary magnetic field. This primary magnetic field interacts with the surrounding subsurface physical properties that create an appropriate secondary magnetic field. The response is measured by the EM31’s receiver. These measurements are often used to measure lateral and vertical variations in soil conductivies, potential contamination, and buried metal.
Geonics EM31 Specifications:
1. Apparent conductivity in millisiemens per meter (mS/m)
2. In-phase ratio of the secondary to primary magnetic field in parts per thousand (ppt)
PRIMARY FIELD SOURCE (EM31-MK2 and EM31-SH): Self-contained dipole transmitter
SENSOR (EM31-MK2 and EM31-SH): Self-contained dipole receiver
EM31-MK2: 3.66 meters
EM31-SH: 2.0 meters
POWER SUPPLY (EM31-MK2 and EM31-SH): 8 disposable alkaline “C” cells (approx. 20 h continuous)
EM31-MK2 Conductivity: 10, 100, 1000mS/m; In-phase: +/- 20 ppt
EM31-SH Conductivity: 19, 199, 1999 mS/m; In-phase: ±6 ppt
MEASUREMENT RESOLUTION (EM31-MK2 and EM31-SH): +/- 0.1% of full scale
MEASUREMENT ACCURACY (EM31-MK2 and EM31-SH): +/- 5% at 20 mS/m
NOISE LEVELS (EM31-MK2 and EM31-SH): Conductivity: 0.1 mS/m, In-phase: 0.03 ppt
EM31-MK2: Boom: 4m extended, 1.4m stored, Case: 145x38x23 cm
EM31-SH: Boom: 2.35m extended: 1.36 meters stored, Case: 145x38x23 cm
EM31-MK2: Instrument: 12.4 kg, Shipping: 28 kg
EM31-SH: Instrument: 9.0 kg, Shipping: 20.5 kg
Typical packing list of items received when renting an EM31:
1 x EM31 with Transmitter & Receiver Coils
1 x Data Logger
1 x Cable (Console to Data Logger)
1 x Battery Charger for Data Logger
1 x USB Flash Drive with Manuals and Software
1 x Compact Flash Card Reader
1 x Paper Set of Manuals
1 x Hip Pad
*1 x Shipping Case (57’’x 9’’x14’’, 60lbs)
*All dimensions are approximate and will vary depending on configuration and how each instrument is packed. Some shipping containers may be slightly larger/heavier than others containing the same instrument.
Suggested Items:
Hemisphere GPS
Items you may need to provide:
Extra C batteries (eight)
Software provided:
Each EM31 possesses a data logger with the EM31 data logging program (some systems offer Geomar’s NAV31 software). DAT31 (Trackmaker31 when requested) is provided for post-processing on the USB flash drive included on the packing list (please return USB flash drive.)
Rental Rates:
The Geonics EM31-MK2 of EM-SH with a digital data logger and software rents for $100 per day or $2,400 per month with a $130 prep fee.
*** As a courtesy, we do not charge rent if the equipment is shipped on a Friday and in-transit with FedEx or UPS over Saturday, Sunday, and/or an approved holiday (only valid for rentals less than a month). In its sole and absolute discretion, Geophysical Equipment Rental LLC and/or K. D. Jones Instrument Corp reserve the right not to extend this courtesy.
Get an estimate to rent the EM31 with data logger.
User Manuals:
Geonics EM34-3

The Geonics EM34-3 is a user-friendly, electromagnetic instrument that utilizes the same inductive method as the EM31. In short, the EM34 produces a primary magnetic field that interacts with the surrounding subsurface’s physical properties that create an appropriate secondary magnetic field and responses are measured by the EM34’s receiver. However, the EM34 possesses a much larger inter-coil spacing, the spacing between the transmitter and receiver, which allows it to survey greater depths. The EM34 has inter-coil spacings of 10, 20, and 40 meters to provide depths of exploration down to about 60 meters. With the variable coil separations, the EM34 is often used to map apparent conductivities as a function of depth for modeling.
Geonics EM34 Specifications:
PRIMARY FIELD SOURCE: Self-contained dipole transmitter
SENSOR: Self-contained dipole receiver
REFERENCE CABLE: Lightweight, 2 wire shielded cable
10 m at 6.4 kHz
20 m at 1.6 kHz
40 m at 0.4 kHz
Transmitter: 8 disposable or rechargeable “D” cells
Receiver: 8 disposable or rechargeable “C” cells
CONDUCTIVITY RANGES: Conductivity: 10, 100, 1k mS/m
MEASUREMENT RESOLUTION: +/- 0.1% of full scale
NOISE LEVELS: Conductivity: 0.2 mS/m (can be greater in regions of high power line interference)
Rx Console: 19×13.5×26 cm
Tx Console: 15.5x8x26 cm
Rx & Tx Coil: 63 cm diameter
EM34-3XL Tx Coil: 100 cm
Case: 27.5x75x75 cm
Instrument: 20.5 kg
Shipping: 43 kg
Typical packing list of items received when renting an EM34:
1 x EM34-3 Receiver and 2 x Receiver Cables
1 x Transmitter and 2 x Transmitter Cables
1 Set of 3 Reference Cables (10m, 20m, and 40m)
2 x Cable (EM 34 console to Allegro Data Logger)
1 x Set of User Manuals
*1 x Shipping Case (32’’x32’’x14’’, 105 lbs)
*All dimensions are approximate and will vary depending on configuration and how each instrument is packed. Some shipping containers may be slightly larger/heavier than others containing the same instrument.
Suggested Items:
Items you may need to provide:
Extra “D” batteries for Tx (eight)
Extra “C” batteries for Rx (eight)
Software provided:
The EM34 is often rented without a data logger, and therefore it does not come with software unless a data logger is rented at an additional cost. If a data logger is rented with the EM34 data logging program, then DAT34 is provided for post-processing on the USB flash drive included on the packing list (please return USB flash drive.)
Rental Rates:
The Geonics EM34-3 rents for $105 per day or $2,520 per month with a $175 prep fee.
*** As a courtesy, we do not charge rent if the equipment is shipped on a Friday and in-transit with FedEx or UPS over Saturday, Sunday, and/or an approved holiday (only valid for rentals less than a month). In its sole and absolute discretion, Geophysical Equipment Rental LLC and/or K. D. Jones Instrument Corp reserve the right not to extend this courtesy.
Get an estimate to rent the EM34.
User Manual:
Geonics EM38-MK2

The Geonics EM38-MK2, like the EM31, provides a non-invasive measurement of the ground’s conductivity and magnetic susceptibility. Again, it uses a transmitter to produce a primary magnetic field that interacts with its surrounding that produces a measurable response that varies according to the subsurface’s properties. Unlike the EM31, the EM38 performs these readings at two distinct depth ranges simultaneously. Depths are shallower given its approximate depth range of 1.5 and 0.75 meters when positioned in the vertical dipole and 0.75 and 0.375 meters in the horizontal dipole orientation. This makes it a great tool for mapping soils for agriculture, archaeology, and other general shallow soil science surveys.
Geonics EM38 Specifications:
1. Apparent conductivity in millisiemens per meter (mS/m)
2. In-phase ratio of the secondary to primary magnetic field in parts per thousand (ppt)
INTERCOIL SPACING: 1 and 0.5 meters
Conductivity: 1000 mS/m
In-phase: ± 29 ppt for 1 m
In-phase: ± 7 ppt for 0.5 m
MEASUREMENT RESOLUTION: ± 0.1 % of full scale
Conductivity: 0.5 mS/m;
In-phase: 0.02 ppt
DATA OUTPUT: RS-232 serial port, Bluetooth
POWER SOURCE: 9 V disposable battery, external rechargeable battery pack
BATTERY LIFE: Up to 5 h continuous for MN1604; 12 h continuous for L522; 25 h for rechargeable battery pack
Instrument: 107 x 17 x 8 cm
Shipping: 114 x 20 x 26 cm
Instrument: 5.4 kg
Shipping: 14 kg
Typical packing list of items received when renting an EM38:
1 x EM38
1 x Normal Drop Down Extender Arm Handle Button
1 x Calibration Stand
1 x Cable (EM38 to Data Logger)
1 x Cable (EM38, Data Logger, Extender Arm)
1 x Power Supply (110 VAC to 12 VDC)
1 x Belt Battery Pack
1 x USB Flash Drive with Manuals and Software
1 x Paper Copy Manual
*1 x Shipping Case (45’’x 12’’x 11’’, 45lbs)
*All dimensions are approximate and will vary depending on configuration and how each instrument is packed. Some shipping containers may be slightly larger/heavier than others containing the same instrument.
Suggested Items:
Hemisphere GPS
Items you may need to provide:
9v battery (one)
Software provided:
Each EM38 possesses a data logger with the EM38 data logging program (some systems offer Geomar’s NAV38 software). DAT38 (Trackmaker38 when requested) is provided for post-processing on the USB flash drive included on the packing list (please return USB flash drive.)
Rental Rates:
The Geonics EM38-MK2 with a digital data logger and software rents for $85 per day or $2,040 per month with a $100 prep fee.
*** As a courtesy, we do not charge rent if the equipment is shipped on a Friday and in-transit with FedEx or UPS over Saturday, Sunday, and/or an approved holiday (only valid for rentals less than a month). In its sole and absolute discretion, Geophysical Equipment Rental LLC and/or K. D. Jones Instrument Corp reserve the right not to extend this courtesy.
Get an estimate to rent the EM38 with data logger.